models.node.processing.encoder package#
models.node.processing.encoder.onehottosingle module#
models.node.processing.encoder.singletoonehot module#
- class models.node.processing.encoder.singletoonehot.SingleToOneHot(parameters=None)[source]#
Converts a single channel encoding (Ordinal encoding) signal to a one-hot encoding. One-hot encoded signals are signals where each label is represented by a vector of the same length as the number of labels, where the label is represented by a 1 at the index of the label and 0 everywhere else. A Single channel encoded (Ordinal encoding) signal is a type of signal where each label is represented by a number, where the label is represented by the index of the label. This node converts a single channel labels to a one-hot encoded label. The single label count starts at 1, so the label 1 is represented by the channel 1, the label 2 by the channel 2, etc. There is no label 0.
- Attributes:
_MODULE_NAME (str): The name of the module (in his case
) INPUT_MAIN (str): The name of the main input signal (in this casemain
) OUTPUT_MAIN (str): The name of the main output signal (in this casemain
)- configuration.json usage:
module (str): The name of the module (
)type (str): The type of the node (
)buffer_options (dict): Buffer options.
clear_output_buffer_on_data_input (bool): Whether to clear the output buffer when new data is inserted in the input buffer.
clear_input_buffer_after_process (bool): Whether to clear the input buffer after processing.
clear_output_buffer_after_process (bool): Whether to clear the output buffer after processing.
- INPUT_MAIN: Final[str] = 'main'#
- OUTPUT_MAIN: Final[str] = 'main'#