models.node.output.file package#


models.node.output.file.csvfile module#

class models.node.output.file.csvfile.CSVFile(parameters: dict)[source]#

Bases: OutputNode

This node is capable of creating/writing the output data to a CSV file.


_MODULE_NAME (str): The name of this module (in this case, ‘node.output.file.csvfile’). INPUT_MAIN (str): The name of the main input (in this case, ‘main’).

configuration.json usage example:

module: Current module name (in this case models.node.output.file).

name: Current node instance name (in this case, CSVFile).

file_path (str): The path to the CSV file that will be created/written to.

buffer_options (dict): The buffer options.

clear_output_buffer_on_data_input (bool): Whether to clear the output buffer when data is inputted.

clear_input_buffer_after_process (bool): Whether to clear the input buffer after the process method is called.

clear_output_buffer_after_process (bool): Whether to clear the output buffer after the process method is called.

INPUT_MAIN: Final[str] = 'main'#
dispose() None[source]#

Node self implementation of disposal of allocated resources.

models.node.output.file.writeedf module#

Module contents#