Source code for models.node.node

from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import copy
import traceback
import time
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread, Event, Condition
from typing import List, Dict, Final, Any

from models.exception.invalid_parameter_value import InvalidParameterValue
from models.exception.missing_parameter import MissingParameterError
from models.framework_data import FrameworkData

[docs]class Node: _MODULE_NAME: Final[str] = 'models.node' """Abstract base class for processing pipeline execution on this framework. A node is a component that receives data from its inputs, process it and send it to its outputs. """ def __init__(self, parameters=None) -> None: super().__init__() Final[str] = parameters['name'] self._enable_log = True self.print("Initializing") self._validate_parameters(parameters) self.parameters = parameters self._initialize_buffer_options(parameters['buffer_options']) self._type: Final[str] = parameters['type'] self._initialize_parameter_fields(parameters) self._clear_input_buffer() self._clear_output_buffer() self._initialize_children() self._child_input_relation: Dict[Node, List[str]] = {} self._is_disposed = False # Threading attributes self.local_storage = Queue() self.running = False self.thread = None self.new_data_available = False self.condition = Condition() self._stop_event = Event() self.is_running_main_process = False self.thread = Thread(target=self._thread_runner, self.thread.start() def _build_graph_inputs(self): return f""" <TR> <TD BORDER="0"> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0"> <TR> <TD WIDTH="20"></TD> {[f'<TD PORT="in_{input_name}" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="1"><FONT POINT-SIZE="8">{input_name}</FONT></TD><TD WIDTH="10"></TD>' for input_name in self._get_inputs()]} <TD WIDTH="10"></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> """ def _build_graph_outputs(self): return f""" <TR> <TD BORDER="0"> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0"> <TR> <TD WIDTH="20"></TD> {[f'<TD PORT="out_{output_name}" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="1"><FONT POINT-SIZE="8">{output_name}</FONT></TD><TD WIDTH="10"></TD>' for output_name in self._get_outputs()]} <TD WIDTH="10"></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> """
[docs] def build_graphviz_representation(self): return f""" {} [ shape=plaintext tooltip="{self.parameters}" label=< <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0"> {self._build_graph_inputs()} <TR> <TD BORDER="1" STYLE="ROUNDED" CELLPADDING="4" COLOR="black">{}<BR/><FONT POINT-SIZE="5">{self._MODULE_NAME}</FONT></TD> </TR> {self._build_graph_outputs()} </TABLE> > ]; """
@abc.abstractmethod def _validate_parameters(self, parameters: dict): """ Validates parameters passed to this node. :param parameters: Parameters passed to this node. :type parameters: dict :raises MissingParameterError: If a required parameter is missing. """ if 'module' not in parameters: raise MissingParameterError( module=self._MODULE_NAME,, parameter='module' ) if 'models.node.' not in parameters['module']: raise InvalidParameterValue( module=self._MODULE_NAME,, parameter='module', cause='must_be_part_of_[models.node]_module' ) if 'type' not in parameters: raise MissingParameterError( module=self._MODULE_NAME,, parameter='type' ) if 'enable_log' not in parameters: parameters['enable_log'] = False if 'buffer_options' not in parameters: raise MissingParameterError( module=self._MODULE_NAME,, parameter='buffer_options' ) if 'outputs' not in parameters: raise MissingParameterError( module=self._MODULE_NAME,, parameter='outputs' ) if 'name' not in parameters: raise MissingParameterError( module=self._MODULE_NAME,, parameter='name' ) if 'print_buffer_size' not in parameters['buffer_options']: parameters['buffer_options']['print_buffer_size'] = False elif type(parameters['buffer_options']['print_buffer_size']) is not bool: raise InvalidParameterValue(module=self._MODULE_NAME,, parameter='buffer_options.print_buffer_size', cause='must_be_bool') @abc.abstractmethod def _initialize_parameter_fields(self, parameters: dict): """ Initializes parameter fields of this node. This is an abstract method and should be implemented by subclasses. :param parameters: Parameters passed to this node. :type parameters: dict """ self._enable_log = parameters['enable_log'] self._should_print_buffer_size = parameters['buffer_options']['print_buffer_size'] return def _clear_input_buffer(self): """Sets input buffer to new empty object for each input name """ self._input_buffer = {} for input_name in self._get_inputs(): self._input_buffer[input_name] = FrameworkData() def _clear_output_buffer(self): """Sets output buffer to new empty object for each output name """ self._output_buffer = {} for output_name in self._get_outputs(): self._output_buffer[output_name] = FrameworkData() @staticmethod def _insert_data_in_buffer(data: FrameworkData, buffer_data_name: str, buffer: Dict[str, FrameworkData]): buffer[buffer_data_name].extend(copy.deepcopy(data)) def _print_buffer_size(self, buffer_name: str, buffer: Dict[str, FrameworkData]): formatted_buffer_sizes = f'Buffer:{buffer_name}\t' for key in buffer: formatted_buffer_sizes += f'###Key:{key}=Length:{buffer[key].get_data_count()}### ' self.print(formatted_buffer_sizes) def _insert_new_input_data(self, data: FrameworkData, input_name: str): """Appends new data to the end of already existing input buffer :param data: Data to be added. Should be in channel X sample format :type data: FrameworkData :param input_name: Node input name. :type input_name: str """ self._input_buffer[input_name].extend(data) if self._should_print_buffer_size: self._print_buffer_size('input', self._input_buffer) def _insert_new_output_data(self, data: FrameworkData, output_name: str): """ Appends new data to the end of already existing output buffer :param data: Data to be added. Should be in channel X sample format :type data: FrameworkData :param output_name: Node output name. :type output_name: str """ self._output_buffer[output_name].extend(data) if self._should_print_buffer_size: self._print_buffer_size('output', self._output_buffer) def _initialize_children(self): """Sets child nodes dictionary to a new, empty dict """ self._children: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] = {} for output_name in self._get_outputs(): self._children[output_name] = []
[docs] def add_child(self, output_name: str, node: Node, input_name: str): """Adds a new child node to child nodes dictionary :param output_name: Current node output name, used as key. :type output_name: str :param node: Child node object. :type node: Node :param input_name: Child node input name. :type input_name: str """ # TODO Melhorar o objeto guardado em self._children if node not in self._child_input_relation: self._child_input_relation[node] = [] if input_name in self._child_input_relation[node]: raise InvalidParameterValue(module='node', parameter=f'outputs.{output_name}', cause='already_added', self._children[output_name].append( { 'input_name': input_name, 'node': node, 'run': lambda data:, input_name), 'run_': lambda data:, 'dispose': lambda x: node.dispose_all() } )
def _dispose_all_children(self): for output_name in self._get_outputs(): output_children = self._children[output_name] for child in output_children: child['dispose'](child) def _call_children(self): """Calls child nodes to execute their processing given current node output buffer content. """ for output_name in self._get_outputs(): output = self._output_buffer[output_name] if output.get_data_count()==0: continue output_children = self._children[output_name] for child in output_children: self.print(f'Output {output_name} calling child {child["node"].name} input {child["input_name"]} ({output.get_data_count()} samples)') child['run'](output) def _thread_runner(self): while not self._stop_event.is_set(): with self.condition: self.condition.wait() while not self.local_storage.empty(): input_name, data = self.local_storage.get() try: self.is_running_main_process = True self._run(data, input_name) except Exception as e: self.print(f'Error: {e}', exception=e) raise e finally: self.is_running_main_process = False if self._is_next_node_call_enabled(): self._call_children() self.new_data_available = False
[docs] def run(self, data: FrameworkData = None, input_name: str = None) -> None: self.local_storage.put((input_name, data)) with self.condition: self.new_data_available = True self.condition.notify()
[docs] def check_input(self, input_name: str) -> None: if input_name not in self._get_inputs(): raise ValueError('error' '.invalid' '.value' '.node' '.input')
[docs] def check_output(self, output_name: str) -> None: if output_name not in self._get_outputs(): raise ValueError('error' '.invalid' '.value' '.node' '.output')
[docs] @classmethod def from_config_json(cls, parameters: dict): """Returns node instance from given parameters in dict form :param parameters: Node parameters in dict form. :type parameters: dict """ return cls(parameters)
@abc.abstractmethod def _run(self, data: FrameworkData, input_name: str) -> None: """Node self implementation of processing on input data :param data: Node input data. :type data: FrameworkData :param input_name: Node input name. :type input_name: str """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _is_next_node_call_enabled(self) -> bool: """Node self implementation to check if child nodes should be called. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _initialize_buffer_options(self, buffer_options: dict) -> None: """Node self implementation of buffer behaviour options initialization :param buffer_options: Buffer behaviour options. :type buffer_options: dict """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _get_inputs(self) -> List[str]: """Returns the input names in list form. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _get_outputs(self) -> List[str]: """Returns the output names in list form. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def dispose_all(self) -> None: """Disposes itself and all its children nodes """ if self._is_disposed: return self._is_disposed = True self._dispose_all_children() self.dispose() self._dispose()
def _dispose(self) -> None: self.print('Disposing...') self._stop_event.set() with self.condition: self.condition.notify() if self.thread: self.thread.join() self.running = False return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def dispose(self) -> None: """Node self implementation of disposal of allocated resources. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def print(self, message: str, exception: Exception = None) -> None: if self._enable_log or not exception is None: print(f'{time.time()} - {self._MODULE_NAME}.{} - {message}\n') if exception: print('Stack trace:') traceback.print_exc()
@property def module_name(self): return self._MODULE_NAME