Source code for models.node.output.file.csvfile

import csv
import os
from typing import List, Final, Dict

from models.exception.invalid_parameter_value import InvalidParameterValue
from models.exception.missing_parameter import MissingParameterError
from models.framework_data import FrameworkData
from models.node.output.output_node import OutputNode

[docs]class CSVFile(OutputNode): """ This node is capable of creating/writing the output data to a CSV file. Attributes: _MODULE_NAME (str): The name of this module (in this case, 'node.output.file.csvfile'). INPUT_MAIN (str): The name of the main input (in this case, 'main'). ``configuration.json`` usage example: **module**: Current module name (in this case ``models.node.output.file``).\n **name**: Current node instance name (in this case, ``CSVFile``).\n **file_path** (str): The path to the CSV file that will be created/written to.\n **buffer_options** (dict): The buffer options.\n **clear_output_buffer_on_data_input** (bool): Whether to clear the output buffer when data is inputted.\n **clear_input_buffer_after_process** (bool): Whether to clear the input buffer after the process method is called.\n **clear_output_buffer_after_process** (bool): Whether to clear the output buffer after the process method is called.\n """ def _is_processing_condition_satisfied(self) -> bool: return True _MODULE_NAME: Final[str] = 'node.output.file.csvfile' INPUT_MAIN: Final[str] = 'main' def _validate_parameters(self, parameters: dict): """ Validates the parameters that were passed to the node. :param parameters: The parameters that were passed to the node. :type parameters: dict :raises MissingParameterError: The ``file_path`` parameter is required. :raises InvalidParameterValue: The ``file_path`` parameter must be a string. :raises InvalidParameterValue: The ``file_path`` parameter must be a CSV file. """ if 'file_path' not in parameters: raise MissingParameterError(module=self._MODULE_NAME,, parameter='file_path') if type(parameters['file_path']) is not str: raise InvalidParameterValue(module=self._MODULE_NAME,, parameter='file_path', cause='must_be_string') if os.path.splitext(parameters['file_path'])[1] != '.csv': raise InvalidParameterValue(module=self._MODULE_NAME,, parameter='file_path', cause='must_be_csv_file') def _initialize_parameter_fields(self, parameters: dict): """ Initializes the parameters that were passed to the node. :param parameters: The parameters that were passed to the node. :type parameters: dict """ super()._initialize_parameter_fields(parameters) self.file_path = parameters['file_path'] if os.path.exists(self.file_path): os.remove(self.file_path) # self.file_path = f'{self.file_path[:-4]}_{int(time.time() * 1000)}.csv' self._csv_file = None def _get_inputs(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the input names of this node. """ return [ self.INPUT_MAIN ] def _init_csv_writer(self, data: FrameworkData) -> None: """ Initializes the CSV writer. """ if self._csv_file is None: if not os.path.exists(os.sep.join(self.file_path.split(os.sep)[0:-1])): os.makedirs(os.sep.join(self.file_path.split(os.sep)[0:-1])) self.print('Creating csv file') self._csv_file = open(self.file_path, "w", newline='') self._csv_writer = csv.writer(self._csv_file) self._channels = None def _write_csv_columns(self, channels: List[str]) -> None: """ Writes the CSV columns labels. :param channels: The channels to write. :type channels: List[str] """ if self._channels is not None: return if len(channels) == 0: return self._channels = channels self.print('Writing columns') self._csv_writer.writerow(self._channels) def _write_data(self, data: FrameworkData) -> None: """ Writes the data to the CSV file. :param data: The data to write. :type data: FrameworkData """ self.print(f'Writing data to file') formatted_data = zip(*data.get_data().values()) self._csv_writer.writerows(formatted_data) self.print(f'Done') def _process(self, data: Dict[str, FrameworkData]) -> None: """ Runs the node. """ self.print(f'Writing {data[self.INPUT_MAIN].get_data_count()} samples to file') input_data = data[self.INPUT_MAIN] self._init_csv_writer(input_data) self._write_csv_columns(input_data.channels) self._write_data(input_data) self._csv_file.flush()
[docs] def dispose(self) -> None: """ Node self implementation of disposal of allocated resources. """ self._clear_output_buffer() self._clear_input_buffer() if self._csv_file is not None and not self._csv_file.closed: self._csv_file.close() self._csv_file = None