Source code for models.utils.cue

import os
from threading import Thread
from typing import Any, Final

from models.exception.missing_parameter import MissingParameterError
from models.utils.script_execution import script_execute

[docs]class Cue: """This class executes a specific cue (a script/function) defined by the user in a different python file (e.g. Print a value, Save a velue in a file, etc.). The cue can be anything that the user wants to execute when the trial starts or ends. :param function: The function that will be executed when the cue is called. :type function: Any :param parameters: The parameters that will be passed to the cue function when it is executed. :type parameters: dict :raises MissingParameterError: The ``function`` parameter is required. ``config.json`` example: **file** (*str*): Cue file path.\n **parameters** (*dict*): The parameters that will be passed to the cue function defined in **file** when it is executed. This can be anything that the user needs to pass to the cue function.\n """ _MODULE_NAME: Final[str] = 'utils.cue' def __init__(self, filename: str, function: Any, parameters: dict) -> None: """Constructor method. Initializes and validates the parameters of the class. """ super().__init__() if function is None: raise MissingParameterError(module=self._MODULE_NAME, name='cue', parameter='function') if parameters is None: parameters = {} self._filename = filename self._function = function self._function_parameters = parameters
[docs] @classmethod def from_config_json(cls, parameters: dict): """Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with the parameters that were passed to it. """ if 'file' not in parameters: raise MissingParameterError(module=cls._MODULE_NAME, name='cue', parameter='file') if 'parameters' not in parameters: cue_parameters = {} else: cue_parameters = parameters['parameters'] cue_function_path = parameters['file'] _locals = script_execute(parameters['file']) if 'custom_cue' not in _locals: raise ValueError( '' % cue_function_path) return cls( filename=parameters['file'], function=_locals['custom_cue'], parameters=cue_parameters )
def _run_function(self): """Runs the cue function. """ self._function(self._function_parameters)
[docs] def execute(self): """Executes the cue function with the parameters that were passed to it. """ thread = Thread(target=self._run_function) thread.start()
# thread.join() def __str__(self): return '{' + f'"file":{self._filename},"parameters":{self._function_parameters}' + '}'